%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A MUHAMMAD FIRDAUS, NIM. 10650031 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2017 %F digilib:28142 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Prototyping, Payroll Management System, PHP, Code Igniter %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI PENGGAJIAN KARYAWAN DI CV. SOGAN JAYA ABADI DENGAN METODE PROTOTYPING %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/28142/ %X Payroll Management of a company aims to maintain the validity of the data. The problems of conventional payroll management methods such as wasteful of time, difficult data recapitulation, and efficency of users to access the employee data. And so this Payroll Information System is built. System development method used in this study is prototyping. Prototyping is a method that is fast enough and cheap enough to be used as a method of system development. Stages in the prototyping method are Analysis, Rapid Design, Prototype, Customer Evaluation, and Implementation. Involving customers in the development process improves customer satisfaction percentage. Privileges available to users are divided into four categories these are superadmin, hrd, finance and director of the company. Those privileges have the same main goals as to maximize the process of employee management and payroll management in the company. Result of the system is a complete and organized summary of all the data. The system also capable to print employee payroll invoice. The results of functionality testing on the payroll management system is 100% and for usability testing is 96% of the respondents accept this application. %Z Sumarsono, S.T., M.Kom.