<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA"^^ . "One of many issues being dealt with by contemporary world’s society is\r\nthe increasing escalation of violence within the field of education. The nonviolence-\r\ncultured education is a preventive effort in breaking the chain of such\r\nphenomena. Thus, Islamic Education is one of the media for forming cadres of\r\nMuslim, which it plays an important role in developing the non-violence culture in\r\nan applicative manner, in order to build an intact non-violence paradigm. Such\r\nbackground urges the researcher to conduct an exploration related to the concept\r\nof the non-violence-cultured education as a contemporary discourse, as well as a\r\npractice and achievement of implementation of the non-violence-cultured Islamic\r\nEducation at SDIT LHI Yogyakarta.\r\nThe research conducted was a field research in which the qualitative\r\nanalysis as well as the psychological and sociological approaches applied. The\r\ndata were acquired from headmaster, classroom teacher, teacher of Islamic\r\nEducation, curriculum division, students, and students’ parents. The data were\r\ncollected by means of observation, documentation, and interview.\r\nThe result of the research explains that: 1) the idea of non-violence\r\neducation is created through peace-building concept in Islam, which is the\r\ncreation of non-violence society’s life condition. The non-violence education is a\r\nprocess in promoting knowledge, expertise, attitude, and values required in\r\nbringing the change of behavior that enables every person to prevent any conflict\r\nand violence, to resolve any conflict peacefully, and to create a conducive\r\ncondition for peace in every level of life. The non-violence education indicates a\r\nprocess of learning and implanting mental attitude that puts the positive values of\r\nnon-violence forward in facing every social-religious issues within society. 2) the\r\nprocess of planning, actuating, developing, and evaluating regarding to the\r\nimplementation of non-violence-cultured Islamic Education at SDIT LHI\r\nYogyakarta is reflected by two integrating strategy, such as; a) Mental\r\nengineering strategy, consisting of academic curriculum program and general\r\nprogram; b) Social engineering strategy, consisting in special programs. 3)\r\nOutput of non-violence-culture Islamic Education’s implementation at SDIT LHI\r\nYogyakarta can be observed through two aspects of output, namely: a) Program\r\noutput aspect, that includes the actuation of self-development-valued programs,\r\nthe actuation of programs that form ecologic character, the actuation of\r\nincidental programs, and the optimization of the course of character/manners; b)\r\nStudents’ attitude output aspect, which is a representation of the implementation\r\nof non-violence culture in school environment.\r\nKey Words: Education, Culture, Non-violence\r\n[INDONESIA]\r\nSalah satu isu yang dihadapi masyarakat kontemporer adalah meningkatnya\r\neskalasi kekerasan di dunia pendidikan. Pendidikan berbudaya nirkekerasan\r\nmerupakan wacana preventif dalam memutus mata rantai fenomena tersebut.\r\nAdapun Pendidikan Agama Islam sebagai salah satu wadah kaderisasi umat Islam,\r\nberperan penting dalam mengembangkan budaya nirkekerasan secara aplikatif\r\ndalam rangka membangun paradigma nirkekerasan yang utuh. Latar belakang\r\ntersebut memberikan dorongan kepada peneliti untuk melakukan eksplorasi terkait\r\nkonsep pendidikan berbudaya nirkekerasan sebagai sebuah diskursus kontemporer,\r\nsekaligus praktik pelaksanaan dan capaian implementasi Pendidikan Agama Islam\r\nberbudaya nirkekerasan di SDIT LHI Yogyakarta.\r\nJenis penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan\r\nmenggunakan analisis kualitatif serta pendekatan psikologi dan sosiologi. Sumber\r\ndata adalah kepala sekolah, guru kelas, guru PAI, tim kurikulum, peserta didik, dan\r\norangtua peserta didik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi,\r\ndokumentasi, dan wawancara secara mendalam.\r\nHasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa: 1) Ide pendidikan nirkekerasan\r\nterbentuk melalui konsep peace building dalam Islam, yakni penciptaan suatu\r\nkondisi kehidupan masyarakat tanpa kekerasan. Pendidikan nirkekerasan\r\nmerupakan sebuah proses dalam mempromosikan pengetahuan, keahlian, sikap,\r\ndan nilai-nilai yang diperlukan dalam membawa perubahan perilaku yang\r\nmemungkinkan setiap orang untuk mencegah (to prevent) konflik dan kekerasan,\r\nmenyelesaikan (to resolve) konflik secara damai, dan menciptakan (to create)\r\nkondisi yang kondusif untuk perdamaian dalam setiap level kehidupan. Pendidikan\r\nnirkekerasan mengindikasikan sebuah proses pembelajaran dan penanaman sikap\r\nmental yang mengedepankan nilai-nilai positif nirkekerasan dalam menghadapi\r\nsetiap permasalahan sosial keagamaan dalam masyarakat. 2) Proses perencanaan,\r\npelaksanaan, pengembangan, dan evaluasi dalam implementasi PAI berbudaya\r\nnirkekerasan di SDIT LHI Yogyakarta direfleksikan melalui dua strategi yang\r\nsaling terintegrasi, yakni: a) Strategi rekayasa mental, yang terdiri dari program\r\nkurikulum akademik dan program umum; b) Strategi rekayasa sosial, yang terdiri\r\ndari program khusus. 3) Capaian implementasi PAI berbudaya nirkekerasan di\r\nSDIT LHI Yogyakarta dapat dilihat melalui dua aspek capaian, yakni: a) Aspek\r\ncapaian program, yang meliputi pelaksanaan program-program yang bernilai\r\npengembangan diri, pelaksanaan program-program yang membentuk karakter\r\nekologis, pelaksanaan program-program insidental, dan pengoptimalan mata\r\npelajaran budi pekerti; b) Aspek capaian sikap siswa, yang merupakan representasi\r\ndari implementasi budaya nirkekerasan di lingkungan sekolah.\r\nKata Kunci: Pendidikan, Budaya, Nirkekerasan"^^ . "2017-06-14" . . . . "UIN Sunan Kalijaga"^^ . . . "Pascasarjana, UIN Sunan Kalijaga"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM: 1520411044"^^ . "UNIK HANIFAH SALSABILA"^^ . "NIM: 1520411044 UNIK HANIFAH SALSABILA"^^ . . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "1520411044_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM\r\nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #28232 \n\nIMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM \nBERBUDAYA NIRKEKERASAN DI SDIT LHI YOGYAKARTA\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Pendidikan Islam (Pesantren)" . .