@phdthesis{digilib28465, month = {May}, title = {HUBUNGAN RELEVANSI HASHTAG TERHADAP JUMLAH LIKE PADA FOTO INSTAGRAM}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 13650056 MUTIA AFIFAH}, year = {2017}, note = {Dr. Shofwatul ?Uyun, S.T., M.Kom.}, keywords = {Instagram, Hashtag, Like, Relevance, Web Scraping, Eta Correlation}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/28465/}, abstract = {This research was based on the growing technology and the number of people around the world who use social media to communicate each other. Various social media was issued by the developers to fill the needs of society today. The majority of social media users were still less efficient in its use, one of which was Instagram and the use of its features. The features of Instagram was used in this research were hashtag and like. The purpose of this study was to obtain correlation data between the relevance of the use of hashtag with the number of likes was obtained. Data retrieval in this research used web scraping. Data was taken using Instagram's JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data. Data collection was done within 24 hour time of 14 hashtag. Each hashtag was taken 16 to 19 photos. Analytical technique used was analysis of eta correlation. The analysis was divided into two part, they were one by one hashtag analysis and whole hashtag analysis. The result of the one by one hashtag analysis showed the value by different coefficients, such as 0.038; 0.134; 0.057; 0.245; 0.557; 0.187; 0.481; 0.303; 0.166; 0.090; 0.540; 0.001; 0.129 and 0.189, while the result of whole hashtag analysis showed the coefficient value 0.034. This values not fully showed good results because there are still many factors that can affect the number of likes in the photo.} }