%A NIM. 13651099 ALFI ROHMATIN CHASANAH %O Dr. Shofwatul ‘Uyun, S.T., M. Kom %T PENERAPAN FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM UNTUK MEMPREDIKSI KUALITAS AIR SUNGAI DENGAN METODE MAMDANI %X River is one of water resource that is utilized by manyliving creature’s life. The quality of river’s water is one of important thing that should be concerned. One of the way to keep the quality of river’s water is to always monitors the quality of water by doing on analysis toward the river’s water. The parameter of water quality such as TDS, TSS, COD, BOD, pH, DO, Nitrat, and Klorin is taken as consideration on analyzing the quality of water. The System by applying Fuzzy Logic can be one of solution to helpconsidering the quality of river water. The first step to predict the quality of river’s water is by usingMamdani Method. Mamdani method is a method which determines the input and output of variable which included as assertive compilation. The second step is to change the input variable into Fuzzy compilation by doing Fuzzyfication process. The problem of this research is to discuss the defuzyfikation process by applying Centroid method. It is a method of Fuzzy compilation which is drawing the solution by taking the center point of fuzzy area. The accurate result of this research can be seen that prediction result of system build its accruracy is 90.35% from calculation result by applying Matlab. While the prediction result of system build and calculation result of water quality by using Pollutan Index Method its accuracy is 94%. %K quality river water, Fuzzy Inference System, Mamdani Method, quality river water prediction %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib28466