%A NIM. 13651052 YUHA BANI MAHARDHIKA %O Dr. Bambang Sugiantoro, M.T. %T ANALISIS QUALITY OF SERVICE JARINGAN WIRELESS SUKANET WIFI DI FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %X As a many internet user that impact to the people who accessing the internet in Islamic state university of kalijaga environment in the faculty of sience and technology area. As the first step to reach the effort to improve an optimal internet network service, it need the result of measurement represent the average value of internet network service performance against the change of QoS parameters value when highest traffic in SUKAnet WiFi network. This type of research is observational research with cross – sectional approach. This Observational research means that the observer only do data measurement / collection. cross – sectional approach means that the data collected in one time and not follow-up on the result of measurement. Despite of those methods, the writer use the literature study method which can be from books, internet, and previous thesis. Internet service network performa in Islamic state university of kalijaga environment in the faculty of sience and technology area is still not maximal. It has a delay quality level of 159 milliseconds according to good TIPHON. Large throughput of 9.0 MBps and throughput percentage of 50% are categorized according to standardized of normal TIPHON and it has a value of packet loss ratio of 36% categorized according to TIPHON standardization is bad %K analysis, QoS, delay, paket loss , throughput. %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib28473