@phdthesis{digilib28505, title = {PERILAKU KOMUNIKASI KARYAWAN DIVISI KREATIF DALAM MENCIPTAKAN KARYA (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Divisi Kreatif CV. Abankirenk Kreatif)}, school = {UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, author = {NIM 10730036 Misbahul Munir}, year = {2017}, note = {Dr. Yani Tri Wijayanti, S.Sos, M.Si}, keywords = {Communications, A Division Of Creative Behavior, Creating A Masterpiece.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/28505/}, abstract = {CV. Abankirenk kreatif is a company who engaged in the creative servicely probably on the school yearbook. Not only working on the school yearbook, CV. Abankirenk Kreatif also working on the photo studio service and video documentation. They know that they are a company engaged in the creative area, then CV. Abankirenk Creative must be can deserve the something new to the client so that the client is the one with the other must be different. Differ in terms of the concept of the book has to offer, is different from how they deal with clients and different form how the oofer section that wqill be sold to client. CV. Abankirenk Creative have a division who drafting qualified yearbook. In 2015, CV. Abankirenk Creative has signed contract with almost 250 school from around Indonesia for yearbook formanship. And on 2016, CV. Abankirenk Creative was awarded as ?The Best Graphic Design Agency of The year? from Pinasthika Award. That?s all by work from Creative Division of CV. Abankirenk Creative. On the Creative Division of CV. Abankirenk Creative there is a unique communication behavior because at that division doing communivcation with the members are intens and always work together in a problem solving. It aims to achieve what the purpose of the group. The methods that will be used in this research is a qualitative method. While the type of research uses desecriptive research.the source is divided in two, that is primary data and secondary data. Primary data where obtained from depth interview against informants. Seceondary data obtained from the documentation of the company. Keywords: Communications, A Division Of Creative Behavior, Creating A Masterpiece.} }