%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Muhammad Usthadz, NIM. 10730109 %B Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora %D 2017 %F digilib:28512 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga %K Word Of Mouth, Brand Awareness, %P 108 %T WORD OF MOUTH DALAM MEMBENTUK BRAND AWARENESS (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Pelanggan Sate Klathak Pak Pong Bantul) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/28512/ %X Sate Klathak Pak Pong is the example of the entrepreneurship which develops it self by applying the form of Word Of Mouth in the marketing activity. Sate Klathak Pak Pong becomes interesting to be researched because its media marketing still has strong position to compete the number of competitors which use media of marketing like the form of printed media. As time goes by, Word Of Mouth is increasingly evolving to the point of a media that stands in the formation of Brand Awareness to consumers of Sate Klathak Pak Pong. Based of that view, the researcher interesting to do research about Word Of Mouth and strategy in forming Brand Awareness of Sate Klathak Pak Pong’s consumers. This study used a qualitative descriptive method underlying themselves on a phenomenological approach, a quality descriptive study used to determine the occurrence of a particular aspect of social phenomena and describe social phenomena. In a theoretical level, there are several assumption underlying qualitative research. Qualitative reseachers are interested in meaning in how people try to understand the life, experience, and the structure of their environment, the qualitative researcher is the main instrument in the collection and analysis of data. The data obtained throught observation, interviews, documentation and literature. Based on the reseach findings, thst in pursuing a strategy of word of mouth by Sate Klathak Pak Pong. The conclusion that can be drawn that if a line of business has its own uniqueness,then people will discuss the products they sell. Strengthen brand awareness in Sate Klathak Pak Pong follow the model of the DREAM(Differentation, Relevence, Esteem, Awareness and Mind’s Eye),it can be seen that word of mouth in building brand awareness to customer Sate Klathak Pak Pong. Keyword : Word Of Mouth, Brand Awareness, %Z Mokhammad Mahfud, S.Sos.I, M.Si