%A NIM 11730066 Syamsu Andika %O Fatma Dian Pratiwi, S.Sos, M.Si, %T PENGELOLAAN KECEMASAN DALAM KOMUNIKASI ANTARBUDAYA (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif pada Mahasiswa Turki yang Menetap di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) %X Intercultural communication is a space that brings people with different cultural backgrounds and interact with each other. In order to improve the quality of self by acquiring knowledge and experience in different cultural environments, a number of students from Turkey set their choice to continue study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. These existing cultural differences always show perception that can turn into an anxiety. Communication is a tool used in managing these anxieties, using mindful communication skills, that allows Turkish students to be able to manage their anxieties and achieve effective communication. The purpose of this research is to find out the processes and efforts that undertaken by Turkish students to managing anxiety on new environments in intercultural communication. Based on these facts, this research use qualitative descriptive method to observe Turkish students in their efforts to manage anxiety in intercultural communication during their stay in Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques used in this research are by in-depth interviews and participant observation, and the primary data obtained will be tested its validity through Triangulation of data sources. The results of this research show that in general Turkish students are able to manage these anxieties mindfully. Although the situations and conflicts that occurred in Turkey have a little effect with their identity, but it does not make them to conceal their identity. Besides that, the hospitality factor from the majority of Indonesians make it easier for them to interact with each other. Having several close friends in sharing various activities is a categorization that they do to foreigners, it means that matter is one of the mindfulness characteristics in communication skills they have towards the management of anxiety in intercultural communication. Keyword : Intercultural Communication, Anxiety, Turkish %K Intercultural Communication, Anxiety, Turkish %D 2017 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib28515