%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Zaldi Apriadi, NIM. 12730002 %B Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora %D 2017 %F digilib:28519 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga %K EPIC Model, Food Photography, Buying Decision Process. %P 115 %T EFEKTIFITAS FOTO MAKANAN DALAM PROSES PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN (Analisis EPIC Model pada Buku Menu Rumah Makan Aniayya Yogyakarta) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/28519/ %X Visual is processed 6000 times faster in brain than literal. It shows that visual media is faster in transferring information into human brain as it has 20% effectiveness which is higher than only reading a text, and people will remember 30% from what they see and people will only remember 10% from what they read. If our vision is treated by showing many interesting photos of whet food, it will trigger the brain to find the food even the person is not hungry. This research shows the effectiveness Food Photography on customers’ buying decision on menu book at Aniayya Restaurant. The focus of this research was the customers at Aniayya Restaurant Yogyakarta which was engaging 98 respondents. In this research, every indicator of Food Photography on consumers’ buying decision has been analyzed by using EPIC Method separately. Then, the effect of Food Photography on customers’ buying decision would had been analyzed by using simple linear regression data analysis in order to acquire the amount of effectiveness of Food Photography on customers’ buying decision at Aniayya Restaurant Yogyakarta. The result of this result shows that the amount of Food Photography of customers’ buying decision was 45,9% Keyword: EPIC Model, Food Photography, Buying Decision Process. %Z Drs. Siantari Rihartono, M.Si