%A NIM. 12730031 Tanty Hidayanti %O Drs. Siantari Rihartono, M.Si %T TAHAP KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN DI MEDIA SOSIAL DALAM MEMPROMOSIKAN PARIWISATA (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif pada Akun Instagram @upsidedownworldjogja) %X Marketing communication stage became away to achieve goals in promoting tourism. This research describe how the aplication of marketing communication stage on social media at Upside Down World Jogja as the goal of promoting tourism, especially through Instagram @upsidedownworldjogja. Instagram user in Indonesia are numeous, but the use Instagram as a media marketing communication stage of tourism is still low, especially in Yogyakarta. This research illustrates how the use of marketing communication stage in social media Instagram in promoting tourism. The application of the right marketing communication stage can achieve goals in promoting tourism. This research used qualitative descriptive method. The data were collected using interviews and documentation. To check the validity of data using triangulation of source. The result of this research showed that marketing communication stage can on social media Instagram can be used as a tool to promote tourism. Marketing communication stage include: segmentasi pasar, target pemasaran, and positioning. These stage are applied to Instagram when the process of providing information in the form of persuasing sentences as well as reminding through the features include: followers, jejaring sosial, hashtag, arroba, upload, efek foto, caption, and likes. Marketing communication stage on Instagram has been applied in promoting tourism. Keyword: marketing communication stage, social media, tourism promotion %K marketing communication stage, social media, tourism promotion %D 2017 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib28520