%A NIM 13730014 Rayi Andrika Wahdini %O Drs. Siantari Rihartono, M.Si %T KOMUNIKASI PERSUASIF DALAM PENATAAN MEDIA LUAR RUANG (Studi Deskirptif Kualitatif Di Komunitas Reresik Sampah Visual Yogyakarta) %X This research know persuasive communication done Community Reresik Sampah Visual in the arrangement outdoor media. As known, the installation of advertising outdoor until now have not under control. Many companies advertising larger until small the free up and sticking advertising outdoor with and without this is from local government so that happened the garbage visual. Community ReresikSampah Visual appear on the basis of care and urging the community to be more concerned surrounding environment in restoring the function of public. This research used communication theory persuasive and the theory of the arrangement outdoor media, and uses the study descriptive qualitative by observation and interview as a technique of data collection. The result of the research shows that the persuasive communication done by Community Reresik Sampah Visual can influence the society. The change of attitude, opinion and many people who agree to the activities undertaken by the Community Reresik sampah Visual in the arrangement of outdoor media. The government and the other people need to be aware of it is arrangement of outdoor media to more organized. Keywords: Persuasive Communication, Outdoor Media Arrangement, Community Reresik Sampah Visual Yogyakarta %K Persuasive Communication, Outdoor Media Arrangement, Community Reresik Sampah Visual Yogyakarta %D 2017 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib28531