relation: title: EFEKTIVITAS BEAUTY VLOGGER DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELI PRODUK KECANTIKAN (Survey pada pengunjung dalam Video Youtube Wardah One Brand Makeup Tutorial Akun Abel Cantika ) creator: Nur Rafika Tien Najihan, NIM. 13730103 subject: Ilmu Komunikasi description: Media has an important role in disseminating all information. As time goes by, the media evolved into many types. One of the fastest growing media is online media. In online media, there are many types of media used in disseminating information. Moreover, with online media, everyone can use it. Ease gained and the speed gained in the dissemination of information in online media become the reasons some companies began to have an online media to be their platforms to promote their products. The dissemination of information through online media also varied. One is a video blog or often called a vlog. In its development, vlog has a lot of devotees and also evolved into various types. There is a vlog containing comedy, vlog about trips and vlog about beauty called beauty vlog. Beauty vlog according to the above explanation means a video blog that talks about beauty. The person who created the beauty vlog is called beauty vlogger. There is also a video that they make is a makeup tutorial by showing the various products they use while giving reviews of the products they wear. Therefore, many makeup manufacturers are beginning to explore their product information through the beauty vlogger, one of them Wardah products with beauty vlogger Abel Cantika. Endorser indicator which in this research is Beauty Vlogger and the Factors of influencing consumer buying interest will be unit analysis to know effectiveness of beauty vlogger to consumer buying interest. This research will use explanative quantitative writing techniques with primary and secondary data sources. Keywords: Beauty Vlogger, Interest of Buying, Consumer, Wardah date: 2017-08-11 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Nur Rafika Tien Najihan, NIM. 13730103 (2017) EFEKTIVITAS BEAUTY VLOGGER DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELI PRODUK KECANTIKAN (Survey pada pengunjung dalam Video Youtube Wardah One Brand Makeup Tutorial Akun Abel Cantika ). Skripsi thesis, UIN Sunan Kalijaga.