<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo)"^^ . "The company's promotional strategy is one of the way to increase the\r\nmarketing and developing the company. One of the strategies that has to be done\r\nin the company to market its products is using the marketing communication\r\nstrategy which is packed into marketing communication's form that can attract the\r\ninterest of advertisers to put ads on Metta FM radio which is one of the private\r\nradio audience segmentation with the family. Based on that background, the\r\nresearchers interested in conducting research on the marketing strategy of the\r\ncompany.\r\nThe problem statement of the research is how marketing communications\r\nconducted Metta FM radio in attracting the advertisers. whereas the aim of this\r\nresearch is to find out how the strategy applied to Metta FM radio in attracting the\r\nadvertisers.\r\nThe concept used in this study refers to the strategy of Integrated\r\nMarketing Communication which describing the indicators of integrated\r\nmarketing communication strategy that includes advertising, personal selling,\r\ninternet marketing, direct marketing, public relations, sales and promos. The\r\naspects associated with the factors forming the interest based on the dimensions of\r\nservice quality.\r\nThe methods used in this research is the descriptive method with\r\nqualitative approach. The method of data collection was done by obtaining\r\ninformation and data by conducting in-depth interviews with speakers, namely\r\nMarketing Manager Metta FM radio and the advertisers who advertise on the\r\nMetta FM radio. afterwards with observation and documentation. As well as using\r\nthe secondary data to strengthen research.\r\nThe results of this research obtained that Metta FM radio has been\r\nconducting the communication with its marketing, it proving a success achieved\r\nby Metta FM radio through integrated marketing communication strategy\r\nconsisting of advertising, sales personal, internet marketing, direct marketing,\r\npublic relations, sales and promos. So it can be concluded that Metta FM radio in\r\nattracting advertisers through integrated marketing communications as its\r\nmarketing communication strategy the main runway, where the communication\r\nstrategy of marketing integrated marketing company positioned Metta FM radio\r\nas a radio broadcast devoted to family.\r\nKeywords: Marketing Communication, Attracting Advertisers, Radio Broadcast"^^ . "2017-10-30" . . . . "UIN Sunan Kalijaga"^^ . . . "Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora, UIN Sunan Kalijaga"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM 13730013"^^ . "Aldhi Kurniawan Suswandaru Hardiansyah"^^ . "NIM 13730013 Aldhi Kurniawan Suswandaru Hardiansyah"^^ . . . . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "13730013_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM\r\nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN\r\n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta\r\n104.7 FM di Solo) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #28771 \n\nKOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERPADU RADIO PENYIARAN DALAM \nMENARIK MINAT PEMASANG IKLAN \n(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Terhadap Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta Radio Metta \n104.7 FM di Solo)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Ilmu Komunikasi"@en . .