%A NIM. 13150003 AHMAD FAQIH %O Dr. Witriani S.S., M.Hum %T SOCIAL CONFLICT AS PORTRAYED IN KHALED HOSSEINI’S NOVEL THE KITE RUNNER %X The Kite Runner novel shows how is the social conflict in Afghanistan occurred by depicting through three central figures i.e. Amir, Assef, and Hassan. These characters show social relation along with personal and social conflict. Assef has contradicted to Hassan because of ethnic difference. Whereas Amir and Hassan are unconsciously contradicting because of their social status. It shows that social conflict not only can be shown by the social community collectively but sometimes, it also can be shown by the individual social relationship. Because an individual must have social activity and it may be a representation of social structure in society. Therefore, a personal conflict can represent the social conflict of society which occurrs in social life. The social conflict is focused to the character of Assef against Hassan and Amir against Hassan. This novel also tells about a social relationship of two children which then ended up under the various conflict at the time. it is interesting for researcher to analyze the social conflict that occurs in this novel. This research aims to answer (1) social conflict as portrayed through Amir, Assef and Hassan characters, and (2) the trigger of social conflict based on sociology of Marxism’s point of view. To limit the research, the analysis is focused on the characters Amir, Assef, and Hassan and the researcher formulates sociology of literature approach and literary theory of Marxism. The methodology of researcher used in this research is qualitative-descriptive. Based on deep analysis, the result of research shows that the social conflict occurred in this novel was portrayed by social relation of Amir, Assef, and Hassan. It shows the existence of social gaps which then brings to the class conflict, class exploitation and class struggle. The conflict social is also caused by the differences of religion and ethnic history in Afghanistan. Secondly, the influences of economic power and individual interest also become a main trigger of social conflict in Afghanistan. the researcher also explains the economic role which is influencing the social conflict based on the context of the novel. %K Marxism Theory, Social Conflict, Sociology of Literature %D 2017 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib28829