%A NIM. 13430015 ZULFA ISNIA AZMI %O Dr. Hj. Erni Munastiwi, M.M. %T IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN PENERIMAAN ANAK DIDIK BARU MODEL HOLISTIC SKILL EDUCATION (HOLSKED) (STUDI KASUS RA AR-RAFIF TIRTOMARTANI,KALASAN, SLEMAN). %X This Study aims to describe: (1) The concept of acceptance management of new students with the model holistic skill education in RA Ar-Rafif Tirtomartani Kalasan Sleman. (2) Implementation management of new students with the model holistic skill education in RA Ar-Rafif Tirtomartani Kalasan Sleman.(3) Dampak management of new students with the model holistic skill education in RA Ar-Rafif Tirtomartani Kalasan Sleman. This research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. The subject of this research is the PADB committee in RA Ar-Rafif. Methods of data collection by interview and documentation. Test data validity with source triangulation and engineering triangulation. Data analysis using model Miles and Huberman. The results showed as follows: (1) The concept of PADB management with this holistic model by using EB technique, which is to see how the ability of children when attending school before accepting learning in school. The PADB assessor and committee itself is the teacher or educator of RA AR RAFIF who will further educate the students from the beginning and further develop their abilities. (2) Implementation of PADB management with this holistic mod through: planning that is how to prepare before implementation of PADB, one of them by making committee of PADB or organizing that runs the task. After the preparation and the committee has been formed then begins the implementation of PADB with respect to STPPA which has been owned by the child to further start from where the child's development step. The last process is evaluation as the final activity of PADB to know the advantages and disadvantages of PADB step with this holistic model. ( INDONESIA ) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) Konsep manajemen penerimaan anak didik baru model Holistic Skills Education (Holsked) di RA Ar- Rafif Tirtomartani Kalasan Sleman. (2) Implementasi manajemen penerimaan anak didik baru model Holistic Skills Education (Holsked) di RA Ar-Rafif Tirtomartani, Kalasan, Sleman. (3) Dampak manajemen penerimaan anak didik baru model Holistic Skills Education (Holsked) di RA Ar-Rafif Tirtomartani Kalasan Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitaqtif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah panitia PADB di RA Ar-Rafif. Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data dengan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut: (1) Konsep manajemen PADB dengan model Holistic Skills Education (Holsked) ini dengan menggunakan tehnik Entering Behavior,yakni melihat bagaimana kemampuan awal anak saat awal masuk sekolah sebelum menerima pembelajaran disekolah. Penilai atau panitia PADB itu sendiri adalah guru atau pendidik RA Ar-Rafif yang selanjutnya akan mendidiik anak didik tersebut sejak awal dan mengembangkan kemampuannya. (2) Implementasi dari Manajemen PADB dengan model Holistic Skills Education ini melalui: Perencanaan yakni bagaimana persiapan sebelum pelaksanaan PADB, salah satunya pembuatan susunan panitia sebagi organisasi yang menjalankan tugas PADB, setelah persiapan dan panitia telah siap barulah dimulai pelaksanaan PADB dengan memperhatikan STPPA yang telah dimiliki anak untuk selanjutnya memulai dari mana langkah perkembangan anak tersebut. Proses yang terakhir adalah evaluasi sebagai kegiatan akhir PADB agar diketahui kelebihan dan kekurangan langkah PADB dengan model Holistic Skills Education ini. %K Admission Management, Early Childhood Education, Holistic Skill Education, Manajemen Penerimaan, Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib28830