%A NIM. 13150010 ASEP HILMIL IRFAN %O Bambang Hariyanto, S.S., MA %T THE ANALYSIS OF ASSOCIATIVE MEANING IN SAMSUNG ADVERTISEMENT SLOGAN %X Samsung is a big company which comes from South Korea and famous in the world. There are many products which have been made by Samsung, one of them is in electronics. In media, Samsung promote their product using advertisement. In Indonesia, there are many Samsung advertisements in English, especially in slogan. It is difficult to understand the meaning or the message of advertisement by Indonesian. That is the reason why the researcher interested in observing Samsung advertisement slogan. This research aims to investigate types of associative meaning Samsung advertisement slogan based on Leech’s theory of semantics. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, and collects the data by library research. The data are obtained from www.samsung.com/id/home/. The result shows that in Samsung advertisement slogan, there are several types of associative meaning, they are connotative meaning (11 data), social or stylistic meaning (1 datum), affective meaning (1 datum), reflected meaning (2 data), and collocative meaning (0 datum). The advertiser uses connotative words to make their advertisement more meaningful and sense able. It can be identified that connotative meaning is the most dominant in Samsung advertisement slogan. %K Slogan, advertisement, associative meaning, print, Samsung advertisement %D 2017 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib28831