<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH"^^ . "In the 21st century there are interesting changes in Indonesian education. There is\r\na new pattern in the map of Islamic education in Indonesia. The pattern has not\r\nbeen much studied. It is the emergence of home schools using Islamic education\r\nas a basis in the development of learning tools. The presence of a home school in\r\nIndonesia is a response to the non-fulfillment of the wishes of Muslim activists in\r\nIndonesia in Islamic institutions that have existed previously both pesantren,\r\nmadrassas, and schools, and the disappointment of the current globalization that\r\nhad a devastating effect on the character-placement of learners. The presence of a\r\nhome school initiated by Muslim activists in Indonesia can be interpreted as an\r\neffort to present alternative education offered in facing the global era, which\r\ncertainly can not be separated from ideological factors. One of the interesting\r\nthings to look at is the school network under one coordination of Khoiru Ummah\r\nPembangun Peradaban (KUPP) Foundation named Homeschooling Group Khoiru\r\nUmmah.\r\nMechanically, this research is a qualitative research. The method used for data\r\ncollection can be interview, observation, and documentation. The approach used\r\nin this paper is philosophist approach. This research also tracks the linkage of\r\nHomeschooling Group Khoiru Ummah as a network of social movements and\r\nHizbut Tahrir that serves as its Social Movement Organization. This research also\r\ntries to trace the concept of educational ideology developed by schools with the\r\ncomponents of ideology tools namely value, conception of human, vision of ideal\r\nsocial life, and strategy for action.\r\nThe result is: first, the construction of educational ideology at HSG KU\r\nnetworking school in Indonesia contains four components consisting of (1)\r\nIslamic aqidah as a fundament value, (2) the conception of human nature is the\r\naffirmation about the concept of fitrah, (3) the vision of the school is to form the\r\nideal education outcome like shaping the human into an Islamic person based on\r\nthe goal of human creation and forming the perfect Islamic generation, (4)\r\nstrategy for action is methods to realize various thoughts that is scholarship\r\nreconstruction, redefine the functional ideas of learning tsaqofah, repositioning\r\nthe school as 'bina ar-rijal' and by forming a collective action school networks in\r\nthe region/province, and building relationships both nationally and internationally.\r\nSecondly, the educational ideology developed at the Homeschooling Group\r\nKhoiru Ummah networking school implies the following: (1) holistic education in\r\nthe sense of restoring the principle of Islamic education in Islamic aqidah,\r\nbuilding the paradigm of non-dichotomous scholarship, holistic curriculum,\r\nholistic management and managed continuous with home, and the implementation\r\nof a holistic program. Third, relating to the position of Homeschooling Group\r\nKhoiru Ummah networking school in the National Education System is a nonformal\r\neducation domain, but this homeschooling education model can also be\r\nxv\r\ncalled part (subsystem) of the national education system in Indonesia. The\r\ndynamics in Indonesia indirectly form the nodes of \"ideologization\" in\r\neducational institutions that is certainly contribute to the spread of the ideology of\r\nthe Islamic movement."^^ . "2017-11-28" . . . . "UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta"^^ . . . "Pascasarjana, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 1420411113"^^ . "ICHSAN WIBOWO SAPUTRO, SPDI"^^ . "NIM. 1420411113 ICHSAN WIBOWO SAPUTRO, SPDI"^^ . . . . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Text)"^^ . . . . . "1420411113_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Text)"^^ . . . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING\r\nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA\r\nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #28916 \n\nIDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI HOMESCHOOLING \nKAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLIKASINYA \nDI HOMESCHOOLING GROUP KHOIRU UMMAH\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Pendidikan Islam (Pesantren)" . .