%A Theresia Octastefani %A Bayu Mitra Adhyatma Kusuma %J 5th Asian Academic Society International Conference 2017 %T THE RISING OF OJEK DIFA: POSITIONING DIFABEL AS SUBJECT IN PROVIDING INCLUSIVE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR YOGYAKARTA INDONESIA %X Transportation sector plays a vital role in supporting society mobility. Therefore, the public transportation services must be accessible to all community levels without exception, including the people with disability or difabel. But the facts show that in Yogyakarta for the difabel it is still relatively difficult to access public transportation services. It is caused by several factors such as: the infrastructure is not accessible, the number of fleets are insufficient, and the affordability route problem. These conditions then ignited the difabel to create a difabel-friendly transportation mode, which now is popularly known as Ojek (motorcycle taxi) Difa. The name of Difa was adapted from the word of Difabel or differently abled. This transportation mode is provided, managed, and piloted by the difabel, even though the other society may also use this service. This research uses the qualitative type, descriptive approach, and interactive modeling of data analysis by Miles and Huberman. The data collection is done by indepth interview, observation, documentation, and literature study. The researcher used this method because the principle objectives of this study aimed to describe and illustrate in a systematic, factual, and accurate statement of the fact and the relationship between phenomenons. The research results showed that Ojek Difa can open a job opportunity to difabel where they had difficult experience in getting work both formal and informal. Moreover, Ojek Difa also is able to improve the socioeconomics welfare and establish confidence for their members. It is proved that difabel not only deserves to be object of public transportation services that are provided by the government or the private sector, but also capable of being the subjects who act as a service provider. The rising popularity of Ojek Difa is appropriate with the Javanese local wisdom – migunani tumraping liyan – which means is useful to others. They are not only give beneficial for difabel’s mobility, but also gives benefit to the whole Yogyakarta society in providing inclusive public transportation services. Keywords: ojek difa, difabel, inclusive, public transportation service, local wisdom %K Difabel, Inclusive, Public Transportation %P 364-371 %B 5th Asian Academic Society International Conference 2017 %D 2017 %C Yogyakarta %I PPI Thailand dan Khon Kaen University %L digilib29311