<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA"^^ . "This research aims to find out what is the role, obstacles, and solution of\r\nthe IVAA (Indonesian Visual Art Archive) in development of the arts in\r\nYogyakarta. The type of this research is a qualitative descriptive. For the data\r\ncollection’s technique by using the method of observation, interview, and\r\ndocumentation. As for the analysis data technique used is the reduction of the\r\ndata, the presentation of data, and verification (conclusion).\r\nThe results of this research is show that the role of the IVAA (Indonesian\r\nVisual Art Archive) in the development of the arts in Yogyakarta consists of eight:\r\nfirst, the role of the library as a source of education and research through art\r\nactivities exhibition, performances, music, and the place of internship. Second,\r\nthe library as a source of information on the arts through art and reference\r\nactivities E-News Letter. Third, libraries as communication media arts through\r\nactivities promoting IVAA (Indonesian Visual Art Archive) and IVAA Shop.\r\nFourth, library as a place of developing interest in reading the field of art. Fifth,\r\nthe library as a mediator development activities through art workshops and\r\ndiscussions, archives, festivals and book launch. Sixth, the library is an agent of\r\nchange. Seventh, library as place art creations through the activities of a small\r\ncinema and art murals. Eighth, the library as a place of service in the field of art\r\nthrough procurement activities of collection, processing, collection, digitizing\r\ncollections, library services, and places to visit. The biggest obstacle faced by the\r\nIVAA is divided into four, namely is the first, financially. Second, human\r\nresources. Third, the procurement of the collection. Fourth, language.\r\nResearcher advice based on the results in this research is the first, as a\r\nspecial library focused towards art, it's best to run its role IVAA of the need to\r\nhave a librarian expert in the field of libraries, so that from a technical point\r\nlibraries can add more value in the eyes of the user. Second, to meet the financial\r\nneeds of the IVAA,when outsiders want to use IVAA’s home in organizing\r\nactivities we suggest are no royalty payments. With the royalty can be redirected\r\ninto the fulfillment of the needs of the IVAA.\r\nKeywords: Role of the library, IVAA Library (Indonesian Visual Art Archive), the\r\ndevelopment of the arts."^^ . "2017-11-12" . . . . "UIN Sunan Kalijaga"^^ . . . "Pascasarjana Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, UIN Sunan Kalijaga"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 1520010040"^^ . "Fridinanti Yusufhin"^^ . "NIM. 1520010040 Fridinanti Yusufhin"^^ . . . . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "1520010040_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "PERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM\r\nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #29354 \n\nPERANAN IVAA (INDONESIAN VISUAL ART ARCHIVE) DALAM \nPENGEMBANGAN SENI DI YOGYAKARTA\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi" . .