relation: title: PERBANDINGAN ANATOMI DAN HISTOLOGI ORGAN INSANG BERLABIRIN PADA IKAN LELE DUMBO (CLARIAS GARIEPINUS) (BURCHELL, 1822) DAN IKAN GABUS (CHANNA STRIATA) (BLOCH, 1793) creator: INA KARLINA, NIM. 12640040 subject: Biologi description: Dumbo Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Gabus Fish (Channa striata) have a labyrinth on the gills even though both are grouped into different orders. The purpose of this research is to know the description of anatomy, histology and morphometry of gill organs and labyrinth on Dumbo Catfish and Cork Fish. This study used surgical techniques on the observation of anatomical aspects and paraffin method with Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining on histological observation. The result of this research is anatomical picture of gill on Dumbo Catfish and Pink Pinefish. There are four pairs of gill sheets with three main structures: gill arch, gill racker and filament gill, located on the side of the head and protected by operculum. Anatomical features of the labyrinth of Dumbo Catfish are pink, shaped like irregular splints, lying on the first gill sheets, whereas in Cork Fish is a reddish cream, solidly flattened with jagged edges and located on the first gill sheets. Histologic features of the gills of Dumbo Catfish and Cork Fish have primary lamellae, secondary lamellae, blood cells and epithelial cells. The histologic features of the labyrinth in the Dumbo Catfish are layers of epithelium, basal lamina, loose connective tissue, capillary blood vessels and cartilage, as well as the labyrinth of the Cork Fish. The results of morphometric measurements of left and right gill morphometry of Dumbo catfish were 5.01 ± 0.04 grams and 5.34 ± 0.04 grams, whereas in the Coralfish the right and left gills were 17.83 ± 0.55 grams and 17.74 ± 0,55 gram and mass of labyrinth on dumbo catfish 3,81 ± 0 gram and cork 2,44 ± 0 gram. The conclusion is that there is a difference in terms of anatomy, histology and results of morphometric measurements in terms of colors, shapes, structures, masses, and their constituent cells and networks. ( INDONESIA ) Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) dan Ikan Gabus (Channa striata) mempunyai labirin pada insangnya meskipun keduanya dikelompokkan ke dalam ordo yang berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui gambaran anatomi, histologi dan morfometri dari organ insang dan labirin pada Ikan Lele Dumbo dan Ikan Gabus. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik bedah pada pengamatan aspek anatomi dan metode parafin dengan pewarnaan Hematoksilin-Eosin (HE) pada pengamatan histologi. Hasil dari penelitian yaitu gambaran anatomi insang pada Ikan Lele Dumbo dan Ikan Gabus berwarna merah muda, terdapat empat pasang lembar insang dengan tiga struktur utama yaitu gill arch, gill raker dan gill filamen, letaknya berada di sisi kepala dan dilindungi oleh operkulum. Gambaran anatomi labirin Ikan Lele Dumbo berwarna merah muda, berbentuk seperti lipatan bunga karang tidak teratur, letaknya berada menempel pada lembaran insang pertama, sedangkan pada Ikan Gabus berwarna krim kemerahan, padat memipih dengan pinggirnya bergerigi dan terletak pada lembaran insang pertama. Gambaran histologi insang Ikan Lele Dumbo dan Ikan Gabus terdapat lamela primer, lamela sekunder, sel darah dan sel epitel. Gambaran histologi labirin pada Ikan Lele Dumbo terdapat lapisan epithelium, lamina basal, jaringan ikat longgar, pembuluh darah kapiler dan tulang rawan, hal ini sama halnya dengan labirin pada Ikan Gabus. Hasil pengukuran morfometri massa insang kiri dan kanan Ikan Lele Dumbo 5,01 ± 0,04 gram dan 5,34 ± 0,04 gram, sedangkan pada Ikan Gabus massa insang kanan dan kiri 17,83 ± 0,55 gram dan 17,74 ± 0,55 gram dan massa labirin pada lele dumbo 3,81 ± 0 gram dan gabus 2,44 ± 0 gram. Kesimpulannya bahwa, terdapat perbedaan dari segi anatomi, histologi dan hasil dari pengukuran morfometri baik dari segi warna, bentuk, struktur, massa, serta sel dan jaringan penyusunnya. date: 2017-10-04 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: INA KARLINA, NIM. 12640040 (2017) PERBANDINGAN ANATOMI DAN HISTOLOGI ORGAN INSANG BERLABIRIN PADA IKAN LELE DUMBO (CLARIAS GARIEPINUS) (BURCHELL, 1822) DAN IKAN GABUS (CHANNA STRIATA) (BLOCH, 1793). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.