@phdthesis{digilib29710, month = {August}, title = {PENGEMBANGAN BUKU PANDUAN PRAKTIKUM FISIKA BERBASIS POE (PREDICT, OBSERVE, EXPLAIN) UNTUK SISWA SMA/MA KELAS XI POKOK BAHASAN MOMENTUM DAN IMPULS}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 12690044 LUTHFI AMINUDDIN}, year = {2017}, note = {Widayanti, M.Si}, keywords = {Guide Books, POE (predict, observe, explain), Momentum and Impulse}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/29710/}, abstract = {This research aims to: (1) develop a physics practical guide books based POE (predict, observe, explain) for student XI grade senior high school subject of momentum and impulse, (2) knowing the quality physics practical guide books based POE (predict, observe, explain) for student XI grade senior high school subject of momentum and impulse, (3) knowing the student?s response to physics practical guide books based POE (predict, observe, explain) for student XI grade senior high school subject of momentum and impulse. This research is a R\&D using procedural modeling. Procedure development research refers to research procedures puslitjaknov team involving 5 main steps: (1) analizing the products that will be developed, (2) developing the initial product, (3) expert validation and revision, (4) small-scale field trials and product revision, (5) and large field trials and the final product. This research instrument in the form of sheets validation, assessment sheets, student response sheets and enforceability sheets. Assessment of product quality and student responses using 4 likert scale is made in the form of a checklist. Whereas, enforceability sheets product using descriptive statement. This result of this research are: (1) produced a physics practical guide books momentum and impulse containing 3 trial. This product was developed based POE (predict, observe, explain), (2) quality products developed shows that the practical guide books based on an expert assesssment of material, an expert assesssment of media learning and physics teacher senior high school is very good, with a mean scoresequentially by 3,77, 3,30, and 3,30. (3) student?s response to practical guide books in small-scale field trials in order are strongly agreed and strongly agreed, with a mean score sequentially by 3,341 and 3,30. Enforceability of overall product can be done well.} }