%A NIM. 13690037 RATIH HIKMAH AWALIA %O Joko Purwanto, M. Sc dan %T TAKSONOMI AYAT-AYAT AL-QURAN UNTUK MATERI MEKANIKA KLASIK %X This research is aimed to arrange the taxonomy (classify) of Quranic verses for classical mechanic of physics. After the research has done, the classification of that verses can be used as a reference for arranging teaching materials, modul ansd etc. This research is library research named as a aprroach with using literature sources liked books, without need a field research. The method that be used is comparrative method, that in general the step is comparing some of perspectives that be researched. Perspectives that be used are tafsir Al-Mishbah, tafsir Al-Wasith and book Nalar Ayat-Ayat Semesta. Of the three sources, combed interpretation verses then analyzed which verses are related to the concept of classical mechanics. The author used content analyze method which is with this method, three of different perspectives that have close relation with classical mechanics concept from Quranic verses and science can be taken of its conclusion. The results of this research are arranged to be thirteen verse that inform about classical mechanics liked QS Al-A’raf (7): 57, QS Al-Furqan (25): 45, QS Al-Waqi’ah (56): 4, QS Al-Zalzalah (99): 1, QS Al-Haqqah (69): 14, QS Al-Syura (42): 33, QS Al-Qashash (28): 71, QS Ya’ Sin (36): 38, QS Al-Anbiya’ (21): 33, QS Al-Qashash (28): 72, QS Al-Qamar (54): 49, QS Maryam (19): 94, dan QS Al-‘Ashr (103): 1. From the thirteenth of verses above, can be concluded that there are 64,29% of keywords of classical mechanics are found and informed by Al-Quran. %K Taxonomy (classification) Quranic verses, Classical Mechanics %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib29729