@phdthesis{digilib29815, month = {August}, title = {FREEDOM AS REPRESENTED IN THE ONE EARTH MAN SONG LYRIC BY KEPAL SPI}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 11150057 AHMAD MAGHFUR}, year = {2017}, note = {Dr. Witriani.}, keywords = {freedom, The One Earth Man, new criticism}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/29815/}, abstract = {Literature is a special kind of language and also gave a complete knowledge. The appreciation of literature is primarily showed by poetry because poetry is the language of paradox. There are some various ways to express poetry, one of them is combining with music then call it song lyric. Song lyric as a kind of literature also gives a complete knowledge and philosophical implication. One of song lyrics which contains the knowledge and philosophical implication is The One Earth Man song by KePAL SPI. This song tells that freedom is something which is hard to achieve and to take it must with fighting and sacrifice. It is different with people says that freedom is a gift from the government or from God. Therefore, this research intend to describe the meaning of freedom according to the song. This research analyzed the intrinsic element of the song lyric and also using New Criticism theory by Cleanth Brooks. For the process of analyzing data, this research uses descriptive analysis method. Based on the analysis, this research has found that the description of the meaning of freedom has three conclusions: (1) The condition of the country is too horrible and far away from freedom condition. (2) Therefore freedom must be taken, and the way to take it is must with fighting and need a sacrifice. (3) Even it seems hard to take the freedom, there is a hopeful condition which freedom will come true because human is one, equal and same.} }