%A NIM. 13150061 RISKA GETTY ANINDYA %O Ening Herniti, M.Hum %T AN ANALYSIS OF CONTEXTUAL MEANING IN A NEW DAY HAS COME SONG LYRICS %X Song lyric is one of literary works and it is kind of poem. Song is a literary work created to describe a person‟s mood or situation that is going around the people. The languages or the words that are used in song lyrics different with the daily conversation. This research aims to analyse the contaxtual meaning in "A New Day Has Come" song lyrics that was sung by Celine Dion. This research uses Mansoer Pateda‟s theory. "Contextual meaning or situational meaning appears as a result of the relationship between speech and context". The method used in this research is descreptive qualitative and the data was taken from internet. This method is used to describe the data based on Mansoer Pateda‟s theory. The researcher uses documentation technique to select the data. After analysing the data, the researcher found 65 words that have contextual meaning. Those words are miracle , strong, tear, darkness, good time, it, world, all, light sky, blinding, touched, angel, rain, wash, walls, sun, day, dark, light, pain, joy, weakness, strength, and eyes. The context of that song is context of situation and context of speaker‟s mood. It is seen from the video clip of that song. %K contextual meaning, words, lyrics %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib29832