@article{digilib30143, volume = {Vol.19}, number = {No. 1}, month = {April}, author = {. Masroer}, title = {Religious Inclusivism In Indonesia : Study of Pesatetren An-Nida and Edi Mancoro, Salatiga, Cent:ral Java}, publisher = {Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Pemikiran Islam}, year = {2018}, journal = {ESENSIA}, pages = {1--24}, keywords = {inclusivism-transformative, Islamic religious anthoritirs in Indonesia, Pesantren, 1oca1 culture}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/30143/}, abstract = {17Iis abstract is tlie result of research inknded to elaborate the students' religious inclusiveness in the Nida and Edi Islamic baarding schools (Pesantren) of Salatigrr, Ccrztmlfam. ln its dcscriptirJc analysis, this J1llPl7 will tnj to elaborate a phenomenon or social unit of religious life in boarding schools in which some research instruments such as participant observation, open inte!'Vicws and unstructured questionnaires are ust'd. The results showed that:, there was a shf/t from the stmctured tlzeoretical formdation both irz Islamic boarding sdwols of Edi Matrcoro attd All Nida, an overview of studettts' religious inclusiveness appeari11g in tlte form of culture, tt11mcly: cultttrtll presen{\texttt{\char126}}ati{\ensuremath{<}}m to cultural tram.fcrtlh{\ensuremath{<}}ti{\ensuremath{<}}m. The ct{\texttt{\char126}}Uural fonts{\texttt{\char126}} becsn5e the existence nnd function of religion (Islam) h"allsforms into the culture while religion is a11alysed from the perspective of the local culture. The cultural and transformativc inclusiveness is generated by tlze particularity a\_\{ students' religious and educational traditions although they maintained but tfley have also experienced changes; and openness to adapt and impart tlzrollglz a transformative social process. 71tis transformation causes tire emergence of collectively cultural values agreed and implementfd together, thus they arf universal. Tltf students' tradition preservatian is determined by h{\texttt{\char126}}IQ m{\texttt{\char126}}wallylinW t.Wriflbles nnmf!ly: 1) {\texttt{\char126}}{\texttt{\char126}}{\texttt{\char126}}s fiS gmml{\texttt{\char126}}115 qj trMitiP11., fiTW J) curricHit{\texttt{\char126}}m t.!tnt maintains the teaching of classic book (I(itab Kuning (yellow book) as a buffer tradition. l!Vhile the changes of tradition arc also influenced by two variables, namely 1) social interaction with the surrounding local culture of the boarding scfzools, and Z) the students' communication patterns with their external plural environment. , the students' prcseved awl clumging tr,zditi.ons prodused 11 unique n?ligiolls autlwrity. In tlze Pesantren An Nida. religious atttl10rity was mattifested from tlte supermacy of fiqh Oslamic jurisprudence) enliglztmed by ijtihad \{rational rell501ling). There is a reciprocal relalitmship belwt'ffl\_(iqk end ijtihad, so that l'*dyw{\texttt{\char126}}mk- Vi'rht1l nature offiqh will appear. The rati.oruzl values in ijtihad ll'ClS then strengthened -along with external clumges -and accepted by tlte students' perspect;ve of jurisprudmce. In tlce Pesantren Mancoro Edi, tile research result showed tht1t students's complied religious authority -cuascaused by the superlm!!CY ofdyHSmic fiqhcnlightffled by Sufism. T1te mystical value in Sufism also tends to be stronger - along witTt their contextual adaptation-- thus ajJecti11g tiLe students' fiqh perspective. Unfortunately, the religious authorities seem to lzaue paradoxical values because of their closeness to religious symbols outside their reUgio11. It is t/u:refore recommmded tltat: 11) to the students, they are supposed not to understand religion as a set of 5!Jmbols, but a system of value, and {\texttt{\char126}}\{not, b) other religians are then welcomed into tlze local culture. Keywords: indm;ivi;;m??tran!Jformntive, Islamic rriigions anthoritirs in Indonesia, Pesantrm, 1oca1 cuitmr} }