%0 Journal Article %@ 1411-3775 %A Masroer, . %D 2018 %F digilib:30143 %I Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Pemikiran Islam %J ESENSIA %K inclusivism-transformative, Islamic religious anthoritirs in Indonesia, Pesantren, 1oca1 culture %N No. 1 %P 1-24 %T Religious Inclusivism In Indonesia : Study of Pesatetren An-Nida and Edi Mancoro, Salatiga, Cent:ral Java %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/30143/ %V Vol.19 %X 17Iis abstract is tlie result of research inknded to elaborate the students' religious inclusiveness in the Nida and Edi Islamic baarding schools (Pesantren) of Salatigrr, Ccrztmlfam. ln its dcscriptirJc analysis, this J1llPl7 will tnj to elaborate a phenomenon or social unit of religious life in boarding schools in which some research instruments such as participant observation, open inte!'Vicws and unstructured questionnaires are ust'd. The results showed that:, there was a shf/t from the stmctured tlzeoretical formdation both irz Islamic boarding sdwols of Edi Matrcoro attd All Nida, an overview of studettts' religious inclusiveness appeari11g in tlte form of culture, tt11mcly: cultttrtll presen~ati