%A NIM. 12730013 Muhammad Guntur Aguend %O Diah Ajeng Purwani, S.Sos, M.Si. %T MOTIVASI VLOGGER DALAM PRESENTASI DIRI DI YOUTUBE (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Vlogger Nizar Miftah, Bram Dermawan. dan Hafied Dharmawan) %X Video blog, are also called “vlog” has become a trend among society, especially for young people. Youtube is one of the sharing video website which is widely used by the vlogger (term for vlog maker) to express their hobbies in making videos. Google Indonesia recorded history since 2014 when vlogs started booming, there was an increase of up to 600 percent of videos uploaded to youtube. Based on this research, researchers observed the motivation of vloggers in self-presentation on youtube. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method with three data collection methods such as interview, documentation and observation. Next, using the source triangulation method to see the validity of the research. The results of this study shows that there are different motivations of each vlogger in presenting himself on youtube. In this study, researchers used three basic human motives in interacting with others, such as need for achievement, need for affiliation and need for power in researching the motivation of vlogger. Next, using six self-presentation strategies such as ingratiation, intimidation, self promotion, exemplification, supplification and self handicapping. Different trends are shown by the three main sources in this study, but from the results of research indicates that the three sources have a strong need for achievement motive compared with other motives. %K Motivation of Vlogger, Self Presentation, Youtube %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib30272