relation: title: PENGARUH PELATIHAN KONTROL DIRI (SELF CONTROL TRAINING) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PERILAKU DISIPLIN SISWA DI SMK SRIWIJAYA KARANGPUCUNG creator: SUHUD PRASETIYO, NIM. 12710037 subject: Psikologi description: The regulation is owned by the school should be able to behave discipline in accordance with the rules, but in fact many students who actually violate the rules and act undisciplined.This research aims to determine the effect of self-control training to improve student discipline behavior in Vocational High School Sriwijaya. Sampel of this study is male students majoring in TKR which totals 6 students. Sampling in this study assisted by the school with certain criteria. Sampling in this study assisted by the school with certain criteria. Methods of data collection in this study used scale of discipline behavior for pretest and posttest. Experiment design in this research is one group pre test-post test design. Data analysis was performed by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test technique. Student with good self-control hence the behavior is directed (Hurlock, 1991) The result showed that there is signififant positive influence between self control training and disciplinary behavior of students of Vocational High School of Sriwijaya. This indicated by result of analysis -0,0207 with p=0,027 (p0,05), thus the hypothesis accepted. date: 2018-02-23 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: SUHUD PRASETIYO, NIM. 12710037 (2018) PENGARUH PELATIHAN KONTROL DIRI (SELF CONTROL TRAINING) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PERILAKU DISIPLIN SISWA DI SMK SRIWIJAYA KARANGPUCUNG. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.