%A NIM. 13710066 NADEA ZULFA KHIRUNNISA %O Rachmy Diana, S.Psi., M.A., Psikolog %T PENGARUH PELATIHAN QUANTUM LEARNING TERHADAP PENINGKATAN MINAT BELAJAR IPA PADA SISWA KELAS IV SDN PONJONG II GUNUNGKIDUL YOGYAKARTA %X The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of quantum learning training to increase interest learning in science subject on students. Subjects in this study were 8 students of class IV SD Negeri Ponjong II Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta with less interest learning in science subject. Data was analyzed by a scale of interest in learning science subject with GUTMANN scale model prepared by own the researcher. Experimental designed employed was pretest – posttest control group design. Subjects in this study were randomly divided in two group, experiment group and control group that consist of 4 subject for each groups. Mann Whitney U was used to analyze the differences between the pretest, posttest, and follow up from gained score. The result of score analysis pretest – posttest was 0,021 and pretest – follow up score was 0,020 ( p 0,05), mean rank of experiment group was 6,50 and mean rank of controlt group was 2,50 that showed experiment group has a higher level of interest in learning science. This showed that quantum learning training could increase student’s interest in learning science subject at SD Negeri Ponjong II GunungKidul Yogyakarta. %K Quantum learning Training, Interest in Learning, School-Age Children %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib30292