%A NIM. 13710071 FIYA MA’ARIFA ULYA %O Hj. Maya Fitria, S. Psi, M. A %T DINAMIKA DUKUNGAN KELUARGA PADA PEMIMPIN PEREMPUAN %X The purpose of this study is to investigate how the dynamics of family support at female leader and the grounds of emerging family support at female leader. The subjects were three females who is leading in three sectors. They are bureaucracy, education and social. Their occupies are Lurah, Chief of Study Program, and General Chairwoman of an Organization. The method of this study is a descriptive qualitative case study. Interview, observation, and field note were used to collect data. Qualitative data analysis use Miles and Huberman interactive model. The result of this study shows that each of female leader has own dynamics in their leadership depend on the sector where they lead. Female leader has two responsibilities, domestic/ tradition sector and public/ transition. There for, female who has public/ transition role can’t left their role in domestic/ tradition sector. The support that is given by family include instrumental support, emotional support, informative support, appreciation and appraisal support, and meaningful support from the husband. Female leader gets support from the family especially her husband cause there are commitment before marriage or the beginning of it about each role. Family support has direct impact for female leader psychologist condition that is pleasant feeling when perform in public/ transition role. Then, it keeps job enthusiasm and family harmony. So, the effect of family support toward female leadership are subjective well-being and better job performance. %K Family Support, Female Leader %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib30293