%A NIM. 13730038 Deuis Chulalan Sundusiyah %O Rama Kertamukti M.Sn %T REPRESENTASI KETIDAKADILAN GENDER DALAM FILM (Analisis Naratif Pesan Beban Ganda Pada Perempuan dalam Film SITI) %X Today, the role of women as housewives as well as the breadwinner is often encountered in social reality. This double burden can lead to a gender inequality where there is a lot of pressure on women, as depicted in SITI movie. Film is one of the mass media capable of representing social reality, but sometimes there is a misrepresentative, so it is necessary to re-examine how gender inequality especially double burden to woman is represented in this movie. The concept of Todorov’s narrative analysis is used to examine how double burdens in women are represented in this movie, that a story has three paths: the starting, middle and end lines. The theory of gender inequality uses Mansour Fakih’s concept namely: Stereotype, the role of women as housewife and the role of women as the main breadwinner. The purpose of this research is to know how to double in representation in SITI movie and the result of this research shows that this movie besides being able to represent the existence of double burden in women, also presenting that this gender inequality is caused by stereotype that already rooted in society and also caused by the pressures that arise from the people around that make the woman less support and feel the burden of being alone. %K Representation, Film, Narrative, Double Burden. %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib30306