%A NIM. 13730051 Maulana Zulvian Rahman %O Rika Lusri Virga., S.IP., M.A %T PERUBAHAN MAKNA PESAN SITUS CAGAR BUDAYA DI MAKAM RAJA MATARAM KOTAGEDE (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Masyarakat Kotagede) %X Message in communication to explain process information in human interaction continue. Message have purpose to influence person make it understand of human thinking process. Function message, Kotagede society have self assessment of meaning change in Makam Raja Mataram Kotagede until now. Makam Raja Mataram Kotagede have education value, history, tourism and many more benefit, so researcher to interested to know about meaning change in the graveyard. Problem formula in this research us how the meaning change in Makam Raja Mataram Kotagede. Next purpose of this research is how to know public meaning change Makam Raja Mataram Kotagede. Analysis unit researcher use orientation change meaning among them social effect, history effect, and psychology factor. This research method use quality description theory by deep interview with informant absolutely Kotagede society. %K Change meaning message, Makam Raja Mataram Kotagede %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib30308