@incollection{digilib30347, month = {February}, author = {Febi Sevtin and Dadang Sudrajat and Juliana Hindradjat}, series = {Prosiding}, booktitle = {PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR 2nd INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF TEACHING EXCELLENCE \& INNOVATION "EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION BEYOND EXCELLENCE"}, address = {Malaysia}, title = {CORRELATION BETWEEN SELF - EFFICACY WITH STUDENT CAREER TYPE (Study of Student Self-efficacy Entrepreneurship at Vocational School of Tourism in Bandung)}, publisher = {Faculty of Education, University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur}, year = {2014}, pages = {114--127}, keywords = {self-efficacy, entrepreneurship, correlation, career type, vocational school.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/30347/}, abstract = {This study aims to determille the relationship between self-efficacy with the student career type in Vocational School in Bandung and how to develop. The study uses a quantitative- qualitative approach using a non-probability sampled as many as 86 vocational students in the city, through purposive sampling technique. The data collection tool that be used is a questionnaire o fHo lland Career Type, with reliability coefficient o fO. 9 at p = 0.00. In genera{\texttt{\char126}} the profile of career type are in the category of medium to higher. While the correlation of each career type with self-efficacy is- 0.131, 0.020,0.035, 0.071, 0.085, 0.094consecutively, whichmeansthereisno significant correlati:m of the student career type and self-efficacy. Further research of career guidance and counseling pro gram propose to develop self-efficacy entrepreneurship of vocational students in Ban dung.} }