@mastersthesis{digilib30353, month = {February}, title = {AGENSI, RELASI KUASA DAN ASKETISME SYEKH SITI JENAR (STUDI TRILOGI SYEKH SITI JENAR KARYA AGUS SUNYOTO)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 1510020078 AGUS SUJADI}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Asketism, Sheikh Siti Jenar, and Power Relations.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/30353/}, abstract = {Sheikh Siti Jenar described in the Novel Trilogy of Sheikh Siti Jenar by Agus Sunyoto, one of the sides is a form of asceticism that struggles with power. Both strategic and cultural power. The behavior of asceticism in the midst of the social, political, and even religious arrangements done by Sheikh Siti Jenar was about to be earthed and revolutionize the existing value order in the land of Java Earth. However, such ascetic efforts encounter obstacles when dealing with power. The various conflicts in strategic and cultural power posed a challenge for Sheikh Siti Jenar to revolutionize the existing values of the kingdom and society. In this research there are two problem formulations, firstly, how are the ways of Sheikh Siti Jenar in running asceticism in the Novel Trilogy of Sheikh Siti Jenar by Agus Sunyoto? Second, What is the aspect of power relation of asceticism to Sheikh Siti Jenar? This research is included in the category of library research (library research). Where the focus of research is directed to the Trilogy of Novel Syekh Siti Jenar by Agus Sunyoto. Therefore, the research method used in this research is by using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). In research that criticizes this text, the approach of this research method is limited to the form of power relations are discursive in the text. In addition, because between power relations and asceticism there is a dialectical relationship, the power relation method is also needed to describe and analyze the concept by looking intactly-copy-connected, so that it can be taken red thread. The results shown from this research are first, the way that Sheikh Siti Jenar did in running his asceticism is by using agency strategy. The agency used is of two types, the main agency which is filled by followers who have social influence and mass group agency filled by students who run asceticism continuously and form the habit of ascetic. Second, the aspect of the relation of the power of asceticism to Sheikh Siti Jenar has three aspects: (1) the two agencies above to disseminate the truth and form an organism in a revolutionary society. (2) the rules on rights and laws provide formal limitations to power. (3) on the various effects of power generated and propagated by power, instead the truth of the asceticism of Sheikh Siti Jenar produces power.} }