%0 Book Section %A SUTRISNO, - %B PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR 2nd INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF TEACHING EXCELLENCE & INNOVATION "EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION BEYOND EXCELLENCE" %C Malaysia %D 2014 %F digilib:30354 %I Faculty of Education, University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur %K scientific genealogy, modernization, positivistic- behavioristik, progressive . %P 150-167 %T SCIENTIFIC GENEALOGY FACULTY TARBIYAH lAIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA 1960 - 19881 %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/30354/ %X FacultyTarbiyah lAIN Sunan Kalidjaga Yogyakarta as the oldest Islamic LPTKs under the Ministry o fReligious Affairs of the Republic o flndonesia has experienced a nwnber of dynamics . This article discusses the dynamics of scientific genealogy Tarbiyah Faculty of years from 1960 to 1988. TarbiyahFacultyofscientificdevelopment at the beginning of the era of stand (1960-1973) characterized by scientific of the Middle East. Meanwhile, in the next period, ie in the era of modernization PTAIN, Faculty ofTarbiyah began referring to the science developed in the West. Scientific in western style is characterized by positivistic- behavioristik. Then, in the 1980s the Faculty ofTarbiyah already beginning to show indications of a progressive direction .