%S Prosiding %A - Radjasa %T MOSLEM COMMUNITY IN BOROBUDUR CENTTRAL JAVA RESPOSE OF MUHAMMADIYAH COMMUNITY TO ECONOMIC CHANGE FROM AGRICULTURE TO TOURISM %X The study of the relation of the religious life and the economic life in Indonesia has been conduct and tended to be linear, which descnbed how religion plays a role in arousing the spirit of capitalism and in driving the working ethics of its followers or on the contrary what is the impact o fthe ecommic development on the marginalization of the religious life, though the religion and the economics are in a reciprocal relation. It is the reason why it is necessary to study the problem of the relationofthe religion and the social and economic life in transfonnation perspective, which is how the religious life is in a dialectic relationship with social and economic change that subsequently causes a dynamic change. Muhammadiyah community in Boro budur at the era of agriculture considered as mayority group at local level Upon the grouth of the tourism, the agriculture economics decreases signi:ficat1ly. The religious transfonnation process ofMoslem community took place to respond the development of tourism and it went under the pioneering effort by young generation with broader economic knowledge resulting from their high educational background and their experience in businesses. After the bargaining process between the accommodative group and the group opposing the tourism for about 20 years, an accommodative religious transfonnation took place because of the development of the tourism and it gave birth to the tourism with religious nuance. The dialectic correlation exists between the religious life and the economic growth in the tourism area, resulting in the transfonnation of tourism economic business with religious nuance, and at the same time creating religious activities with economic nuance, simultaneously. %K Religious transformation, economy, tourism. %P 182-193 %B PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR 2nd INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF TEACHING EXCELLENCE & INNOVATION "EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION BEYOND EXCELLENCE" %D 2014 %C Malaysia %I Faculty of Education, University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur %L digilib30356