%S Prosiding %A Aninditya Sri Nugraheni %A Sedya Santosa %T INTERNALIZING CHARACTER EDUCATION THROUGH LEARNING INDONESIAN IN THE CURRICULUM OF 2013 IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OR ISLAMIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL %X Starting from the problem of degradation o fthe spirit of nationalism, that is a sense of pride to use Indonesian. Therefore, character education approach is required, which is embodied in the form of curriculum. The curriculum is formulated on the basis of the above problems is to prioritize Curriculum 2013 in the Subject of Indonesian, as the draft of other subjects. This means that the emphasis is expected to Indonesian, the students have more nationalistic spirit and noble personality. The purpose of this study is to examine further the internalization of character education through learning Indonesian in the curriculum of20 13 in the Elementary school or Islamic elementary School. %K curriculum, character education, Indonesian, students, teachers. %P 216-235 %B PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR 2nd INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF TEACHING EXCELLENCE & INNOVATION "EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION BEYOND EXCELLENCE" %D 2014 %C Malaysia %I Faculty of Education, University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur %L digilib30359