%0 Book Section %A Isandespha, Ida Nurmila %A Nurrohmah, 2Dila %B PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR “OPTIMIZING OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TO EXAGGERATE HUMAN POTENTIAL TOWARDS VIRTUOUS CHARACTER” %C Yogyakarta %D 2013 %F digilib:30395 %I BUKU BAIK %K Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education, Multiple Intelligences %P 159-164 %S Prosiding %T Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education, Multiple Intelligences %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/30395/ %X Indonesian realistic mathematics education (IRME) through the characteristics could optimize students’ multiple intelligences. The characteristics of IRME are: (1) use of contexts for phenomenologist exploration, (2) use of models for mathematical concept construction, (3) use students’ creation and contributions, (4) student activity and interactivity in the learning process, (5) intertwining mathematics concepts, aspects, and units, and (6) use of typical characteristics of Indonesian nature and cultures. The eight intelligences identified by Howard Gardner are: (1) verbal/ linguistic, (2) visual/spatial, (3) bodily/kinaesthetic, (4) intrapersonal, (5) logical/mathematical, (6) musical/rhythmic, (7) interpersonal, and (8) naturalist. All this time, verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical mostly used and facilitated to assessed the success the students’ in learning at elementary school. Also in mathematics learning, teacher usually just facilitated the students who have dominant in logical-mathematical intelligent. Indonesian realistic mathematics education that used contexts for phenomenologist exploration with Indonesian nature and cultures makes teacher could teach mathematics with learning activities that can facilitated students’ multiple intelligences easily. Students’ activity and interactivity in the learning process could facilitate students to develop their interpersonal and verbal/linguistic intelligences. Interpersonal intelligence develops through discussion and sharing the invention strategy among students during the learning process. Verbal/ linguistic intelligence develops through students’ activity when they write and present the result of mathematics problem.