%A Achmad Maulani %J Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif %T PESANTREN DAN ISLAM INDONESIA: Kajian atas Pembaruan dan Peran Sosial Transformatif %X Both pesantren and NahdlatulUlama have long been understood as the avant-gardes of Islam in Indonesia. Not only because they represent traditional institutions to which ordinary Muslims look for reference, but also because of their prominent role in the development of Islamic teachings and setting up Islamic discourse. With regards to the latter, both institutions contributed significantly by bridging a dialogue between Islamic norms and local cultures. This paper examines the dynamics andthe role of pesantren in transforming Indonesian Muslim societies. %N 2 %K Pesantren, Indonesian Islam, Transformative and Social Role %P 253-279 %V 9 %D 2015 %I Laboratorium Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib30597