@incollection{digilib30775, volume = {-}, number = {-}, month = {December}, author = {Inayatul Ulya}, series = {Prosiding}, booktitle = {PROCEEDING: The 4th Summit Meeting International Conference on Education.}, title = {ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION IN ISLAMIC HIGHER EDUCATION (PARADIGM OF HIGHER EDUCATION CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT BASED ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP)}, address = {Yogyakarta}, publisher = {PGMI PRESS UIN SUKA}, year = {2017}, pages = {15--22}, keywords = {entrepreneurship education, Islamic Higher Education, curriculum}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/30775/}, abstract = {One of proplems of Islamic Higher Education is the lack of competence of its graduates so that the output of higher education do not have the competence expected and needed by society and have low competitiveness in the world of work. The conditions also supported by the fact that the majority of college graduates tend to be more as a job seeker rather than creators of jobs. Base on these conditions, Islamic Higher Education need to evaluate, such as by implementing entrepreneurship education. This study used a qualitative research with a primary focus on curriculum studies in Islamic Higher Education through the identification of problems and needs based curriculum development of entrepreneurship. The final result of this research is the design of a curriculum model Islamic Higher Education based entrepreneurship. While implementation of this research is the integration of entrepreneurship in the vision, mission and goals of Islamic Higher Education, the graduate profile, the values are developed and the structure of subjects. Keywords: entrepreneurship education, Islamic Higher Education, curriculum} }