%S Prosiding %A Farida Nur Kumala %A Sony Cornelis Lee %T PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) AND GROUP INVESTIGATION ON SCIENCE THINKING SKILL %X This research aims to know the significant difference of science thinking skill which is taught using Problem Based Learning (PBL) model and Group investigation (GI) of fourth grade student of SDN Dampit 03. This research uses Quantitative Approach with Quasi Experimental Comparative Research design. By using the Nonequivalen Control Group Design research design. The population of this study is all students of grade IV SDN Dampit 03. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling technique. Class IVa as experimental class and class IVb as control class. Instrument in this research is test. The results of the study through hypothesis test using t test with 5% significance level. show the value of T arithmetic> T table (2,158> 1,687) and significance <0,05 ( 0, 03 8 <0,05 ), then H₀ refused Hₐ accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there are differences in science thinking skills that are taught using Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Group Investigation (GI) model of fourth grade students of SDN Dampit 03. Keywords: Science thinking skill, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Group Investigation (GI) %N - %K Science thinking skill, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Group Investigation (GI) %P 43-48 %B PROCEEDING: The 4th Summit Meeting International Conference on Education. %V - %C Yogyakarta %D 2017 %I PGMI PRESS UIN SUKA %L digilib30793