%A NIM. 13230072 AWALDI FUZAINDRA %O Dr. Hj Sriharini S.Ag M.Si, %T UPAYA PENINGKATAN KESEJAHTERAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT MELALUI BUDIDAYA RUMPUT LAUT DI DESA MAPIN KECAMATAN ALAS KABUPATEN SUMBAWA %X Focus problem: The author is interested in researching this because with the seaweed farming business, Mapin villagers in addition to improve the economy can also create jobs for the community, because at this time seaweed cultivation in demand many people both domestic and abroad so it can be an opportunity good business. The purpose of this study is to describe efforts to improve the economic welfare of the community through seaweed farming in Mapin Village, Alas District, Sumbawa Regency. And describe the results achieved in an effort to improve the welfare of the economy through seaweed farming in Mapin Village, Alas Sub-district, Sumbawa Regency The research method used in this research is qualitative approach. This study was conducted in June from June 20, 2017 to June 23, 2017. The data collection was conducted through interviews with 4 informants, observation and documentation. Data analysis using Triangulation data. The results of research conducted on community empowerment through seaweed cultivation efforts to increase the family economy, it can be concluded as follows Efforts in improving the economy through seaweed cultivation is to increase economic income to meet the needs of families and able to finance the school children or grandchildren. With the cultivation of seaweed motivate people to think to a more advanced direction, but it also changes their lifestyle that initially has no vehicle so as to facilitate them in their daily activities. Supporting factors include: human resources, supportive communities, government, and geographical location. In addition, there are also factors inhibiting the empowerment of the community through seaweed cultivation, among others: Constraints related to the limitations of capital assistance, and government assistance is considered less transparent and unfair to farmers is sometimes the officers provide assistance to certain people who feel close with officers even sometimes not farmers. Climatic conditions and nutritional content of the declining seawater resulted in decreased seaweed production and production quality below export standards. Constraints in marketing due to the absence of KUD and also local companies make seaweed farmers depend entirely on local collectors. %K Economic improvement, seaweed farming, Mapin Alas Sumbawa Village,Peningkatan Ekonomi, budidaya rumput laut, Desa Mapin Alas Sumbawa %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib31320