%A NIM. 11150033 ARIF MUSTHOFA %O Dr. Witriani, S.S., M. Hum. %T GOLDMUND’S ANXIETY AND DEFENSE MECHANISM IN HERMANN HESSE’S NOVEL NARCISSUS AND GOLDMUND %X Anxiety is one factor that human feel when he gets the problem. Anxiety can be an important experience because it can reveal the core issues. The novel, as the works can explain the meaning of life and it also solves the problem of anxiety for the people who are worried about something happened in the present or in the future. Narcissus and Goldmund is novel that tells about Goldmund’s wandering to find the meaning of life and during his wandering, he suffers from anxiety. Nobody can solve the problem like Goldmund does. He uses the defense mechanism to cope his anxiety. In this research, the researcher tends to analyze the psychological aspect, i.e. anxiety which is suffered by Goldmund in Narcissus and Goldmund by using psychoanalysis theory by Freud. This research aims to describe types and factors of Goldmund’s anxiety and to explain the defense mechanism as a strategy to reduce his anxiety. This research uses qualitative methods. The researcher conducts close reading; take the data concerning Goldmund’s plot, character, behavior, and traits; and mark some information about anxiety and defense mechanism regarding to Freud’s theory. The result of this research is that there are two types of Goldmund’s anxiety: neurotic anxiety and realistic anxiety. Furthermore, to resolve the anxiety, Goldmund uses six defense mechanisms, i.e. repression, displacement, rationalization, denial, projection and fixation. %K Character, Social Condition, Anxiety, and Defense mechanism %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib31506