%A NIM. 14150022 ROSYIDATUL FAIZZAH %O Bambang Hariyanto, M.A. %T FOREIGNIZATION AND DOMESTICATION OF INDONESIAN CULTURAL WORDS IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER’S JEJAK LANGKAH %X The presence of cultural gaps between source language and target language often becomes an obstacle for the translator in the process of translation, especially in translating cultural words. Foreignization and domestication postulated by Venuti (1995) are two types of translation strategies that can be employed to overcome the obstacle found in the source language. This research is conducted to describe the foreignization and domestication strategies applied to translate Indonesian cultural words in Jejak Langkah into its English translation Footsteps. This research employs descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research are Indonesian cultural words found in Jejak Langkah and their translated words in Footsteps. In categorizing cultural words, the researcher uses the theory proposed by Newmark (1988). Meanwhile, in analyzing the translation procedures which tend to be foreignization or domestication, the researcher employs the theory from Davies (2003). The result of this research shows that the number of domestication strategies (60.64%) is higher than foreignization strategies (39.37%). This result indicates that to overcome the problem in translating cultural words, the translator tends to reduce the foreignness in the target language text, making the unfamiliar cultural words from source language text can be easily understood by target language text readers. %K foreignization, domestication, cultural words, novel %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib31520