%A NIM. 11640011 RYAN KUSUMA JAYA NUGRAHA %O Najda Rifqiyati, S.Si., M.Si. %T KAJIAN PERILAKU HARIAN SIAMANG ( HYLOBATES SYNDACTYLUS ) JANTAN DI KEBUN BINATANG CIKEMBULAN, GARUT, JAWA BARAT %X Gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus) is a primate species of the Hylobatidae family. These animals are distributed in Sumatra and Malaysia. The existence of gibbons is threatened due to habitat loss and excessive excessive lodging. One of The government's efforts in conserving gibbon is done by captive breading in a zoo. One of them is Cikembulan Zoo in Garut, West Java. The aim of the research was to study the daily behavior of gibbon in cikembulan zoo. Observation and completion of data is done by focal animal sampling method. Observations was carried on 6:00 to 17:00 pm three times repeated. Showed that of this study daily activity of the gibbon act less visitor (71 person/day) is dominated by mobile activity (55.02%). Whereas Daily activity in many visitors (587 person/day) was dominated by eating activity with an average time of 11 minutes 47 seconds. The high activity of moving deserted visitors caused by the number of visitor who approach the cage so that the gibbons feel disturbed. The duration of daily activity of eating gibbons because of the visitors who bring food from outside given to the gibbon. The feed given to the keeper zoo there are 4 kinds of bananas, papaya, corn and yams. %K Gibbon, Cikembulan Zoo, daily behavioral edition %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib31661