%A NIM. 11650011 ESTU ADHI NUGROHO %O Aulia Faqih Rifai, M.Kom %T IMPLEMENTASI METODE TOPSIS (TECHNIQUE FOR ORDER PREFERENCE BY SIMILARITY TO IDEAL SOLUTION) BERBASIS WEB PADA SISTEM PENCARIAN DAN REKOMENDASI PEMILIHAN HOTEL DI YOGYAKARTA %X The growth of the hotel in Indonesia keeps increasing from year to year. Yogyakarta is one of the cities that experienced an increase in the number of hotels which are quite rapidly. The purpose of the writing of this thesis is to build a search system and recommendations to assist travelers in searching for and selecting a hotel in Yogyakarta. System development in this research using Waterfall method. Four stages in this method is the planning, analysis, design and implementation. This method has a simple process flow, fast and emphasize the speed of building the system as needed. Designing the search and recommendation systems hotels in Yogyakarta is web-based with MySQL database. This system implements method Topsis (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). Topsis based on the concept by which alternative was selected the best not only has the shortest distance from the ideal solution, but it also has the longest distance from the ideal solution. The system that has been built has a search feature of the hotel and hotel selection recommendations. Users can perform a search of the hotel and the data input process then in sports results election recommendations system into a hotel. On the part of administrators also have the ability to manage data, data criteria weighting and rating data. This system manages to help the user in the search for the best hotel and recommand the hotel selection based on Topsis method. The results of validation test and user satisfaction to 10 respondents show that almost all respondents accept this system. %K Hotel, Waterfall, System Recommendations, Topsis (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib31676