%A NIM. 13650024 AGIL MUBAROK %O Dr. Agung Fatwanto, S.Si., M.Kom. %T ANALISIS USER EXPERIENCE APLIKASI PRIVYID DENGAN PENDEKATAN ASPEK USABILITY %X The ease of doing various activities with emails, social media accounts, or phone numbers as identity keeps the potential to be used in crime, as well as weak legal power. PrivyID provides a digital signature service that can be used as an individual identity in cyberspace activities. PrivyID becomes an electronic identity provider with legally accountable subjects to protect personal data and user interests when conducting digital transactions, so that PrivyID released an application in the form of a platform which can be used to digitally sign documents. The role of the users is very important in order to build an application as a platform for digitally signing documents. From the information obtained, the author will conduct user experience (UX) analysis using usability testing in PrivyID application with some usability parameters based on Jacob Nielsen's theory and aim to conclude how good usability level is measured on learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfactions of the PrivyID application. The research was conducted by spreading questionnaires to 43 respondents taken from active returning user data. Research which conducted by the author use a descriptive concept because it described the object’s phenomenons, while the approach is quantitative. The conclusions obtained in this study indicate that the rate usability in the PrivyID application is in good enough category with a value of 59.02%. %K PrivyID application, Usability Testing, User Experience %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib31685