%A NIM. 14810129 DANANG IBNU ATSIR %O Dr. SUNARYATI, S.E., M.Si %T DAMPAK KORUPSI TERHADAP PERDAGANGAN INTERNASIONAL (STUDI KASUS PERDAGANGAN BILATERAL INDONESIA DENGAN 9 NEGARA TUJUAN EKSPORNYA) %X Corruption is a form of abuse of ethical authority by public officials, which is divided into two namely bribery and forced collection. The impact of corruption is widespread, with corruption occurring in the public sector. One interesting investigation is the impact of corruption on international trade. Corruption becomes an obstacle in international trade, where corruption plays a role in the access and exit of trade in goods and services from within and abroad. Using the gravity model agreement, the focus of this research is the impact of corruption on international trade by taking a case study of Indonesia's bilateral trade with its nine largest export destination countries. Using panel data, analysis tools used in this research are common effect, fixed effect, random effect and poisson pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML). From the results of this study the best model is poisson pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML), proven to solve ommited variable problem. Keywords: Gravity Model, Corruption, International Trade, poisson pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML) %K Gravity Model, Corruption, International Trade, poisson pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML) %D 2018 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib31857