%A NIM. 1620420035 MUHAMMAD KADIR %O Dr. Hj. Maemunah, M.Ag, %T FENOMENA BULLYING DIKALANGAN PESERTA DIDIK (STUDI PADA MIN ALEHANUAE DAN MIN LAPPA KABUPATEN SINJAI, SUL-SEL) %X Bullying is abberrant behavior that is done deliberately by person stronger against others in order to scare, scare or make the victim unhappy, and usually done repeatedly. Asfor form bullying in this study is open intimidation, overt bullying, indirect bullying and cyberbullying. This type of research using descriptive qualitatif. Subyek in this study is the head of madrasah, head of madrasah section of students,teacher and learners. Teknik sampling technique used is purposive sampling and sampling saturation. Teknik data collection using interviews, documentation and documentation. Data analysis uses miles and hubberman models with triangulated data validities. The results of the study concluded that first, the most frequent types of bullying in MIN Alehanuae and MIN Lappa in Sinjai district consist of three form of bullying is open intimidation, overt bullying, indirect bullying and cyberbullying. (1) Open intimidation includes beating done by parents to the adat (learners), learners beat his friend, teachers glared at the students, teachers give encouragement in the form of push ups, learners take pen his friend. (2) Indirect opression with indicator learners introdorasi gosip with purpose for me find compliments from other friends. (3) cyber bulling with indicator teachers do terror against the jury on the solo singing competition followed by in appropriate, and mitigation efforts. The second, the response done by the teacher is by calling the the perpetrator and the victim to solve the problem, and if the offence is resumed, then the teacher gives a sanction that contains education, this study contributes knowledge about, the type of bullying, the causes of bullying and the prevention of the teacher to combat bullying behavior. %K Bullying phenomenon, among learners. %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib31961