%A NIM. 1620010006 IRWANTO %O Prof. Dr. H. Maragustam, MA, %T PENANAMAN NILAI-NILAI RELIGIUS DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER MAHASISWA (STUDI DI SEKOLAH TINGGI KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN GARUT, JAWA BARAT) %X This research is motivated by the number of findings about causing the collapse of the potential of Indonesia at this time. Among educational factors, we certainly realize that education is an institutional mechanism that accelerates the character building of the nation. The problem of character is the most urgent problem in human life. Therefore, more and more people realize the importance of character education in the midst of corruption and moral bankruptcy of the nation. Thus, finding the solution becomes important or even important or even a necessity. This research uses qualitative research type with descriptive approach which has model describe and give meaning of research result. The subject of research is the method of planting religious values, the effective assessment of religious values and supporting factors and inhibiting the planting of religious values in STKIP Garut. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling and snowball. Techniques of collecting data using interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis using Miles and Hubberman model covering three ways namely data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal of conclusions. The results obtained after the research are: First method used STKIP Garut in instilling religious values in students is by using methods of advice, methods of habituation, exemplary methods and methods of punishment. In the method of advice, advice is often given with a dogmatic approach and a reflective approach. The cultivation of religious values in the formation of student character can be said to be effectively implemented on campus STKIP Garut. The two effectiveness of the cultivation of these values can be seen in students performing an action and behavior based on those values. Students have the character of honest, faithful, responsible, sincere, devoted, trustworthy, fair, charitable virtuous and helpful. Third in this study also found supporting factors in the planting of religious values is the routine of planting the value performed and the creation of environment in the formation of student characters in STKIP Garut. In addition, monitoring in a long time also become one of the supporting factors for the successful formation of student characters in STKIP Garut. While the inhibiting factor is the diversity of students received at the campus STKIP Garut. %K Planting, Value, Religious, Formation, Character. %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib32023